The Legend Lives On...
Los Angeles. Known the world over as the influential hub of the music industry, was also known for its unique programming on KNX / FM 93 for more than a decade. We celebrate and pay tribute to that time period when The Mellow Sound WAS the sound of the City of Angels.
In what was then a sea of typical Pop, Rock, Top 40 and MOR radio stations, KNX / FM 93 provided a very different listening experience and the vibe of the emerging musical genre of Mellow Rock. These were the glory days of Laurel Canyon and The West Coast Music Scene. Singer-Songwriters like James Taylor, Judy Collins, Kenny Loggins and Jim Messina, Janis Ian, Al Stewart, Jennifer Warnes, and Carly Simon were there, and are HERE, actually on board this journey with us and can be heard personally introducing their many songs we play with a nod to our mission.
It was also a time when KNX / FM 93 would be among the very first to help launch many now iconic Mellow Rock bands including Eagles, The Doobie Brothers, Little River Band and Steely Dan. There were others, too, that were less commercially mainstream, but whose contributions to this musical era are now considered legendary: Ozark Mountain Daredevils, Pages, Little Feat, Sad Cafe' and many others.
Most of these artists and bands owe a great deal of their success to KNX / FM 93 whose format was driven less by ratings and popular demand than it was by an understanding of how LA SHOULD sound. And it worked! Most importantly, The Mellow Sound was considered by the music and radio industries as simply the finest-programmed radio station in the US, and possibly the world. And it has been missed by these industries and listeners since it left the airwaves in 1983.
For ALL these reasons, we celebrate and pay tribute here.
In what was then a sea of typical Pop, Rock, Top 40 and MOR radio stations, KNX / FM 93 provided a very different listening experience and the vibe of the emerging musical genre of Mellow Rock. These were the glory days of Laurel Canyon and The West Coast Music Scene. Singer-Songwriters like James Taylor, Judy Collins, Kenny Loggins and Jim Messina, Janis Ian, Al Stewart, Jennifer Warnes, and Carly Simon were there, and are HERE, actually on board this journey with us and can be heard personally introducing their many songs we play with a nod to our mission.
It was also a time when KNX / FM 93 would be among the very first to help launch many now iconic Mellow Rock bands including Eagles, The Doobie Brothers, Little River Band and Steely Dan. There were others, too, that were less commercially mainstream, but whose contributions to this musical era are now considered legendary: Ozark Mountain Daredevils, Pages, Little Feat, Sad Cafe' and many others.
Most of these artists and bands owe a great deal of their success to KNX / FM 93 whose format was driven less by ratings and popular demand than it was by an understanding of how LA SHOULD sound. And it worked! Most importantly, The Mellow Sound was considered by the music and radio industries as simply the finest-programmed radio station in the US, and possibly the world. And it has been missed by these industries and listeners since it left the airwaves in 1983.
For ALL these reasons, we celebrate and pay tribute here.
We were there. We remember. And we bring it back. Every day.